Those of you who have been participating in our forum within the last week are probably aware of the recent bit of comparison between Tribes, Tribes 2 and Halo. The website Evil Avatar recently cornered Tim Gift of Dynamix and performed a short interview with him about the similarities and differences between Tribes 2 and Halo. If the article scrolls off the news page, you can probably still catch the same interview material in their forum. Kudos to CaptShazbot for informing us of this.Remember you're representing the Halo community, so go with an open mind, patience and maybe a grain of salt. Tribes 2 does look interesting and it will be a bi-platform release, last I checked, but we'll just have to see whether it can live up to Gift's statements. I'll likely purchase Tribes 2 to get me through the period until Halo is released, and have been a Tribes gamer for a year or so now. However, I'm still keeping my bet firmly on Bungie and Halo.