While perusing through the IGN Xbox forum, I came across a thread that claims Halo got a 9.7 out of 10 score from IGN Xbox. Oddworld apparently got a 7.4, but the real kicker is that Metal Gear Solid 2, Halo's prime competetor for game of the year, got a 9.7, too.
I definitely look forward to reading these reviews when they are made public on Monday.
Anonymous (not verified)
You mean 7.4
The thread in question lists Oddworld as having a 7.4 score, not a 9.4.
Johnny Law
Heheh... I was about to say...
In reply to: You mean 7.4Given the fact that other reviewers seem to have a consistent set of complaints about Oddworld, I was thinking "a 9.4 from IGN must not mean much".
Mine Eyes Deceive Me!
In reply to: You mean 7.4Thanks. Updated. :-)
Half-life got 9.5. There hav
Half-life got 9.5.
There have been two 10.0s in all time, and one 9.7.
Ponder that.