Oni Press
Three reviews to report today: Game Doctor, PC GamerWeb and Eurogamer. (The last is useful in case you Euros don't trust us gun-toting fanatics to give a proper review)
Three reviews to report today: Game Doctor, PC GamerWeb and Eurogamer. (The last is useful in case you Euros don't trust us gun-toting fanatics to give a proper review)
CompuExpert is offering the PC version of Oni for $24.90 if you order during their 48 Hour Madness sale. They also offer the Mac version of Oni for $32.90, however that is their normal price. You can also pick up Rune and Star Trek Armada for $19.90 each as well as Kingpin for $12.90 during the sale.
We've reported a few times in the last four months about three Oni comic books that will be appearing from Darkhorse Comics. Today we've learned that Darkhorse slapped up a Flash-page (a bit heavy on the bandwidth) with desktop images, information on the upcoming comics and some related links. In addition, we've found out that there will be a fourth comic book (#0) in limited public distribution:
I just got my copy. My Bungie Points, however, are still back-ordered. (You know how long it takes to mine, process and polish a fresh crop of Bungie Points.)
Yet more reviews: The Junkyard (This site is owned by a friend), Head-2-Head and Online Game Review. Buy Oni, now! (Unless your computer sucks as bad as mine... in which case you'll scrimp, save, deny yourself of all joy and whine on your websites until you can afford a new one!)
SniperGeoff has created an Oni key configuration program for PCs. It functions much like Oni Central's web configuring script, but it's available in application form. Click here to download it.
Merkinjata sent in this link, which is a news article posted by FGN about an Oni prequel. Apparently one has been announced by Take Two for mobile platforms, including mobile phones. The game is being developed by Quantum Sheep and features none other than Konoko as the starring character. As odd as this story is, Take Two promises even more mobile game support in the future.
And the controversy over Oni's gore level rages on. There's an editorial up at MacGamer.com which is pretty heavily on the no-gore side--in fact, it questions the sanity of those who refuse to buy Oni because of its lack of blood. Read it, then let us know what you think on our forum.