Mac Version Of Myth III Just Behind PC
ax also pointed us to this article on Inside Mac Games, which states that only the PC version of Myth III has gone gold as of yet:
ax also pointed us to this article on Inside Mac Games, which states that only the PC version of Myth III has gone gold as of yet:
Ever-vigilant RHler ax pointed out the latest update to Mike Donges' .plan file at Mumbo Jumbo.
It's short and sweet-- Myth III has gone gold!
Any old school Myth player remembers the Gates of Covenant. Among the early fansites dedicated to Myth, GoC was always quick to deliver news and quality content. Unfortunately, it went inactive a few years ago and completely disappeared shortly afterwards. We have Some Loser to thanks for its return, which presents the Gates of Covenant in its fullest.
Some Macintosh users were having trouble viewing IGN's Myth III character animations that were in AVI format. In response to this, MythVillage converted them to the extremely Macintosh friendly QuickTime MOV format. The videos range from ~100-400 K and have a duration of 3-5 seconds.
Until October 19th, The Mill is running a giveaway for Myth Worlds, the collection of Myth 2 mods. Only one entry per participant. To be eligible, just fill out the entry form. It requires a valid email address, but not a Mill account.
ax on RHL pointed us to a new Myth III feature at focusing on character animations in Myth III:
Michael Yanovich of Inside Mac Games has previewed Myth III after playing it for a 14 hour period. The response is overwhelmingly positive; Yanovich describes Myth III as the best parts of Myth I and II on steroids . He describes the single player scenario as 'varied', 'strong', and 'solid'. In the portion of the article that details stand-out moments, it confirms that Mumbo Jumbo has reintroduced carpet bombing into the Myth series.