Gameplay (Bullseye's Buglist)

Bullseye's picture
1 NW flag/ball placement on Creep is not correct
1 In KOTH games, the center start position accumulates planning time.
1 Can't see destination circles when sending submersible units into deep water.
1 On a Ramparts map, my warlock kept auto-firing like a machine gun, every time he got enough mana, and would not stop. I had to run him around the whole game.
1 Dwarven cocktails are too dark and do not appear to stay lit when thrown
1 Flags in Flag Rally are not numbered
1 Archers dont drop fire arrows

GameSpy (Bullseye's Buglist)

narcogen's picture

1 Main UI screen is really, really dark. Dark red text for games in progress is almost unreadable
1 Constant messaging about players coming and going from room (annoying)
1 You can't unbuddy someone
1 Impossible to turn user interface sound effects
1 Games sometimes appear and disappear haphazardly in lobby (entire list)
1 Sometimes, when hitting the “leave game” button after a game has finished, this will 1 When logged into GameSpy in the chat room, often the whole screen (and mouse/keyboard) freeze for several seconds at a time

Multiplayer (Bullseye's Buglist)

narcogen's picture

1 When multiplayer games start, there is no black screen; players can look around the map before everyone else loads
1 It is possible to type messages during the “waiting for players” screen; unfortunately, pressing the return key to send this message activates the “cancel” button
1 You can no longer right click on the overhead to dispatch units to a location
1 The F7 key is now toggles on and off, rather than holding the key down. This makes a “quick look” to F7 impossible. Perhaps there should be support for both modes

lock blood projectile bug

rolf's picture

When I locked blood out, it seems when a unit died it just didnt do any projectile group with blood in it. So, when my Iron Trow died, all that was shown was his hammer ( I circled around in for a second and it showed his body for a sec and then just the hammer, another bug).
