Wishes (Bullseye's Buglist)

narcogen's picture

2 Ability to map F10 (shows friendly players) to mouse
2 Unready/Ready button problems for hosts: all players go to “Unready” status if one change is made. To fix this, changes should be made on the fly (local to the host), but only change to other players when the host hits his own ready button. This avoids checking and re-checking the “Ready” button
2 The Status bar is too big for multiplayer games. It should be just big enough so that it will display what units you have selected and how much experience that a unit has

Aesthetics (Bullseye's Buglist)

Bullseye's picture

1 All of the flashy, florescent yellow and green light surrounding selected units gets confusing and it is VERY DIFFICULT to tell what a particular unit's health is in a group of units. A unit at full health will have a green health bar to the side of him, and a YELLOW ring under him, showing that he is in your possession. This makes it difficult to see. Perhaps the yellow ring under the unit should actually reflect the color of his health bar
1 Life bars on selected units are faint and difficult to see, unlike Myth and Myth II.

System (Bullseye's Buglist)

Bullseye's picture

1 Windows XP not supported (has many issues).
1 Cannot use 32-Bit color in Windows XP or Myth will crash
1 Game won't run on Windows 95. “When I try to run the game I get a big red X and a message saying, ‘The device attached to the system isn't working properly’”
Then it says, Myth3.exe file is linked to missing export User32.dll:EnumDisplayDevicesA.
2 Monitor refresh rate seems to be locked at 60 Hz
2 There is no “Network Installation” option (is this fixable?)
