BOLL has done it again. This time the fruits of Macromedia's labors are being used to launch Warthogs into jiggling, unsuspecting Covenant Engineers, who no doubt thought that not being included in Halo 1's gameplay would keep them safe; not so.
The latest Flash game from BOLL has you positioning piles of grenades under a Warthog to bash bunches of Engineers, and it tracks the grenades and time you spend at this pastime through many levels (I've seen 20 so far).
mrsmiley writes that angrymouse14 (what happened to the other thirteen angry mice, anyway?) has created four new animated avatar files suitable for forum use. And although some of the avatars on that page are larger than the Rampancy forum supports, the four new ones are just right, and there are several smaller ones as well. Check them out!
The results are in from the Major League Gaming Philly Eastern Regional. Here are the results from the Halo events:
Halo Free For All:
Halo 4 vs. 4 Team Competition:
BOLL shows us how old this whole Halo-on-a-mobile-phone thing is by linking to the image he put on his phone back in March of 2003.
If yesterday was News Day at HBO, then it looks like today is going to be Ross Mills Day at Rampancy.
Normally we don't link to this site, and we'll forewarn you, there are inappropriate things on this page, and even more inappropriate things should you click just about anywhere on this site. But there's a Halo reference there, and it's funny, so worth the risk.
M.N.C of deviantART has been putting together some Flash creations; namely a grunt, the Master Chief, and a plasma pistol. He posted in the HBO forum that a "trailer for a movie" is forthcoming. Could be neat, let's see.
Ross Mills of Subnova recently won a quiz contest on Eric Trautmann's blog. Trautmann is the guy at Microsoft who coordinates with the authors of the Halo novels, Eric Nylund and William Dietz.
Today his impressive prize package arrived; check out his forum thread at HBO for the skinny on what loot he made off with.