Legends's picture

Hi My xbox keeps shutting off. Normaly right when i turn it on(Evenyualy it will stop and i can enjoy Halo 2). I you have had this problem and or know where or how to fix it please E-mail me at future_pilot101@hotmail.com , Or post something on this site.


Anonymous's picture

If you want your x-box to stop shutting off, or any other problem that you can't fix. Then, call up Microsoft and tell them your problem, and maybe they can give you an answer. You could also get your xbox serviced, which wont cost that much at all. Lastly, you can buy a new xbox.

Anonymous's picture

go to bm and go to the edge wit a spetree and hit the othe person out of the level.go to ivoree tower andgo to the edg of the thing that looks like a wheel cheir ramp and you will c a ledge go on it tell some 1 to get on the other side and get agenst the wall you keep slashing them though the screen while the taget is on red keep swinging at them and you will fall on a ledge u have a choce jump into a pit of fog or get 1 more person down and get on the roof by the sord glitch X and R at the same time and keep doing it and he will go up if the target is on red and he is jumping the hole time on your head.