Legends's picture

The music in the trailer may suggest many things about the upcomming game. For example the note played on the piano at the very start of the trailer and at the end right before, "this is the way the world ends" is said, the exact same note is played on the piano. Perhaps suggesting that the humans will be equal to before the war started. And after that the trumpets, they could signify triumph, but for who the covanent or human kind? Also when the artifact in the video opens up the classic halo battle music start. Could this all mean something?


narcogen's picture

It's already been suggested that the use of trumpets is intended to evoke a fanfare-like, perhaps even triumphant kind of feel to it. Given that the Chief is the story's protagonist, I think the triumph will be his. But who knows what kind of victory will be possible for him or humanity, and at what cost?

Rampant for over six years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture

You could be onto something?
Does anyone know the title for this song ... or does it even have a title yet?

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Halo 3 Trailer Music

Its called: Finish The Fight.

The rest of the Halo 3 soundtrack will be on amazon by about mid November. (They released this separately due to demand after people saw the trailer.

It is avalible on I-Tunes now. Search: Halo 3.

narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 3 Trailer Music

It'll be on iTunes, also. The previous soundtracks are, also.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.