The Pelican dropship, so famously piloted in the first installment by Foe Hammer, can carry troops, weaponry, as well as a single Warthog jeep. Once rumored to be pilotable in-game, although that is currently unconfirmed and now unlikely. In the first game, all the human vehicles were indestructible, as were Covenant dropships. Vehicle destructibility has been added into Halo 2, but it is still unknown whether or not dropships are included.


Anonymous's picture

The dropship is so awesome!that i wish that it can be pilotable in halo3 by the master cheif
Anonymous's picture

I like this dropship i wish that it can be piloted by the master chief in halo3
Anonymous's picture

Covenant dropships can be destroyed - I killed one yesterday with the scarab gun, which smashed the dropship halfway inside the wall of a building, where it stayed stuck.
narcogen's picture

In reply to: Covenant dropships can be des

Well, that's not really destruction per se. The only parts of the Phantom that are destructible are the turrets-- and the original "dropships" from Halo 1 can't be damaged at all.


Rampant for over five years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

BlueTyphoid's picture

Everyone knows that the dropship has a machine gun turret in the chin, right? Well, the pelican also has rockets. On the 3rd level Metropolis, once you get to the end of the level where the scarab goes to the dead end, the scarab is faceing the ocean, or something. Look toward the ocean. There will be a bunch of pelicans flying past. Right about (maybe a second before) when cortana says you have to board the scarab, there will be a pelican that will stop and shoot about maybe 12 things that look like sniper shots at the scarab. But the explode on impact. They seem just like the shots of the human tank in Halo 1.