Legends's picture

What was the absolute worst part of halo 2? What would you rate it out of 10? And also what was the very best thing about Halo 2. Also If some one would take the time I would really apreashiate it if some one could send me the Silent cartographer guitar solo tab. I have been trying to get it for the last week or so and it will not let me in. so please send it through E-mail to future_pilot101@hotmail.com


Rampant AI's picture

The absolute worst part of halo 2 is how it is a totol noobs game in multiplayer. Anyone can just pick up 2 SMGs and run around a smallish level taking people down. Even the online play reflects how people who were amazing at the first Halo appear very mediocre in the second, not because of lack of playing time but because of the flawed game. Bungie totally messed up the flow of the game, and now it is too easy for people who have never picked up a controller before to challenge excellent players. I myself have been on both ends of this. The very first time I picked up a controller to play Halo 2 (after a good amount of Halo 2 play, but not much campaign) I got an energy sword, racked up 6 kills, died, and then proceeded to light up the score board with 17 straight kills with the sword, only to have my streak ended by the end of the game. On a later date, with my skills even further improved, I went to a link game and we deliberately stacked the teams in a 3 on 3 slayer to prove my point that it is a noobs game. My team (the good one) was crushed, not just beaten, crushed, 50 to 27, with me, still the relative noob of the team, racking up 17 of those 27. I could sure go on about other things Bungie screwed up about this game, but its only about the one big one here. So out of 10, if for no other reason than its online capablities and the fact that it's basically molded after Halo 1, this still receives 7 out of 10, but it is a majorly flawed game and Bungie would have done better to leave the gameplay alone. Obviously, when a game gets 7 out of 10 it still has good points, the best one in Halo 2 being the new weapons/vehicles. This is just sort of a fascination I have. They're not the best, but they have majorly improved and the idea of being able to steal other people's vehicles is really cool. The options that users now have for choosing vehicles to appear on the map is also improved. Another aspect of vehicles that has improved is that they are now destructible. They are harder to take down, especially the tank now that you cant hurt the person inside a tank by hitting say the treads of the tank. Very realistic. It gives a new respect for a tank thats making its way across the level, the way it should be. You may be Master Chief, but you still can't use a sniper rifle to take out a tank. The speed boost for Covenant vehicles is also a plus, opening up new doors for tricks and glitches. Simply having more Covenant vehicles is good. About the glitches. The weapons contribute to the glitches as well, but I am going to talk about one of each. The glitch with the vehicles is really just for fun, but man is it cool. This glitch works best on open/large levels, like Coagulation. I have also seen it done at Waterworks, but Coagulation is really the best level for this. You will need two players for this trick.So first you have to get a Covenant Wraith. Next you get a Scorpion tank. Drive them to an open area, and have both tanks drive into each other. It works well if the Scorpion is coming down an incline and the Wraith is coming up an incline when they hit, but the important thing is for the tanks to be in an open area. Boost the Wraith into the tank right as they are about to hit. Both tanks need to be driving at each other head on. If done properly, the Scorpion tank will go up into the air and start spinning rapidly, bouncing off the walls of the level. However, if the tank hits too high on one of the walls, it will explode. Not that you can do anything to steer the tank while it's in the air, but it's something to know. Again, this trick will not help you get to the top of a level or anything, the tank will be spinning far too fast. It's just for fun. The tank should stay up in the air, spinning, for at least a couple seconds, but can stay up there bouncing off walls and spinning at insane speeds for nearly a minute. This trick defies every law of physics that ever existed, which just makes it more fun to do. For any veterans out there, this next trick will be easy. For you noobs, it's still an easy trick to do, but you need to get used to how the Ghost handles on a wall. Remember the good old days when you could climb up walls at Blood Gulch with a Ghost? They're back. For those of you who know the middle part of the level where you would throw a grenade, hop in your ghost, and run over the grenade as it exploded to get up the level in Halo 1, this will be very easy for you. For the rest of you, I will attempt to explain the location of this trick. As I said, it's in the middle of Coagulation. I can't really say right or left b/c it depends which base your coming from. So here goes. When you use the transporter from the red you will be transported to a bunch of trees. I could be wrong about the color, but it's the one where you get transported to the trees, not the rocks. Once you get out of the transporter, go to the right, back towards the base, but stay right next to the wall, which will be on you left as you walk back towards the base. I'm sorry I cant give a precise location, but it's just too hard to describe. Eventually you will get to the right spot, and when you use the Ghost boost to go up, you can simply climb up the wall. You need to hold the boost during the entire trick until you get to the top part of the wall. Holding A throughout the trick also helps. As you are climbing the wall, you need to go hard right, and you may need to try a few times to get the angle right. If you go too far up, not only will you go slowly but you will actually start falling back down the wall. If you go too far right you'll lose grips with the wall and fall off as well. So good luck finding the balance, and once you get up high you can just hop off the Ghost and do whatever you want. Once you get good at it, it will be practical to use in the game as a sniping spot, but you may want to move the Ghost or get away from it, as it is pretty conspicuous. The final vehicle glitch I will share is the banshee glitch. When your teammate is in a Banshee, you can hop on the hood of it and he can give you a ride up to say, the top of the level, or wherever you want. However, the driver cannot boost or else you will fall off, and also if he goes up at a steep angle you can also fall. So he must be careful to drive so that you stay on the Banshee, but other than that it is very simple and practical. So those are three cool vehicle glitches that I have personally done and guarantee work if they are done right. Now there is one very cool weapons glitch that Bungie is going to fix up, which concerns a newer weapon, the energy sword. When you have a sword, you can hit people with the right trigger. However, if you press X right after you hit the trigger, the sword will swing but no damage will be dealt to whatever you hit. So even though the sword doesn't deal damage, it still applies massive force to whatever it hits, and also can be very useful when lunging, which I will describe later. That process of cancelling out the damage is called "sword cancelling" or just "cancelling". So say you and your buddy want to get to the top of Zanzibar. Well the energy sword is gonna be your best friend. This post is long enough so I am not going to walk through how to get on top of Zanzibar, but I will describe how to use the power of the sword in general. When your buddy is on top of your head, look up and "cancel" while he is jumping. It is best for the person on the bottom to cancel rapidly while looking up at the person on top, and for the person on top to simply jump whenever he hits the guy on bottom. If possible, you should even look on the screen of the guy on the bottom, so the guy on the top will know when to jump. It is far easier to accomplish this trick against a wall, or 2 walls if possible, because hey, thats why you're doing it anyway - to get over a wall, whether it's an invisible wall or a regular one. Being against the walls makes it easier to keep the guy on top, on top, and it is just soooo much easier to do the trick. So just use a wall or two, preferrably two, to do the trick. Also advisable is to have your guys have extra health and overshields when you practice it so that you won't die from one messed up cancel. I can't explain what will happen when you do this trick correctly except that both people, especially the guy on top, will go REALLY high into the air. REALLY HIGH. Useful for a wide variety of height-related obstacles, say getting to the top of Zanzibar, or whatever else you want to do with it. Warning: it is hard, very hard to do with no walls, and it takes a while sometimes to get it right. So far more advisable is to avoid doing that at all, and try a different way of cancelling. So now, the really easy way to get up high using the sword. Your buddy, who now must be on a different team than you, is on a platform higher than you. You want up, so how are you gonna do it? With the sword of course. So what you must do is look at your buddy who is really not your buddy since he's on the other team. This is more for a trick session than an actual game since a dude on the other team in a real game prolly wouldnt set this up for you. So you look at the guy on the higher platform and jump up. Its tough to aim while your jumping but Im sure that you, the veteran player, can do this right. So what you need to do is jump into the air and then pull the trigger when your targeting thing turns red. If you time it right and are close enough to the guy up high, which really doesnt need to be that close, then you will fly up to him and hit him with the sword. But you dont want to hit him for a number of reasons. First off he's your buddy even though hes on the other team, and is gonna help you do more cool tricks in just a minute. Second you go even higher up if you cancel the thrust at the last split-second before you hit him, so that you can thrust 3 feet and fly up 30 feet. Its really quite useful. This trick is more bound by the laws of physics so you have to be smart about how you use it. First off, if you lunge at a guy above you and to the right, and cancel, you will fly to the right. So position yourself underneath him correctly. Second, there is one major reason why this trick is so popular. It's almost liek you have a ladder. The guy on top can be used as a target for the sword so a dude on a lower level can be "pulled" up to him. Of course there is no pulling involved, the guy on the bottom is doing all the work, but the guy on top is the precious target. So if you havent realized it by now, you can use this trick to easily get on top of Zanzibar. It's late, I've explained enough, so I'll leave it at that. Since its late, I wouldnt be surprised if I left some major detail out of a glitch that will annoy you alot. So feel free to contact me online at my AIM sn titans1705 whenever I'm on.

Legends's picture

First off i'd like to say that u wrote a hell of a lot there and the worst part of halo2 was the extremly weak grenads and short campain.I beat that 2 days after i bought it on Heroic with my cousin. But I really liked the multi player a specialy in coulgulation. the banshees are fun to shoot people out of in the tank, well catch u later, oh ya and do you have msn well then i can add yoy to my friends and we can discuse halo2 some more. Even if you don't have msn consider getting it so we could chat.

Legends's picture

the best part of halo 2 for me was the multiplayer the campain.the worst part was actuely in the campain mostly because it was to short and to easy.

Legends's picture

hi man i apreciate ur enthusiasm but why in hel are you typing the exact same thing in over and ofer again?

Marioman102689's picture

come on, whats halo without "Hang 'Em High" or "Prisoner" it just feels empty without them, so... LETS GET BUNGIE TO PUT THEM AS DOWNLOADS ON XBL (xbox live)FOR THE GUYS LIKE ME THAT MISS THOSE MAPS SO VERY, VERY MUCH!!! *sobs*
Anonymous's picture

Worst Part-Decreased Runspeed Very Best Part-Bloody Addictive! Halo Rating-96.89% Halo 2 Rating-98.53%
narcogen's picture

In reply to: Bloody Brilliant!

Decreased running speed?


Rampant for over five years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

dillinger's picture

I think the worst part about this game are the upgrades. And if you think about it they're more like downgrades. The warthog, for example, is now destructable. The spartan suits are now slower, and can't jump as high. So in reality if you took the spartans from Halo and the warthogs from Halo than this is a cool game.
Anonymous's picture

The worst part in Halo 2 is the lack of ATV's and enviroment-specific Warthogs for Humans.
Anonymous's picture

wow...good point
Anonymous's picture

They can't jump as high? I thought they jumped higher... Now it's much easier to jump over Ghost trying to ram you over. Destructive vehicles aren't that bad, it was kinda hard to kill someone out of a Scorpion with a plasma rifle before.
Anonymous's picture

the worst part was certainly the pure lack of freedom. i mean assault on the control room was the absolute best because it was huge. any level like that in halo 2? no. the best howevcer would be the vehicles and the art of duel wielding. thats pretty awesome.