A new song that will be coming out on the soundtrack on Tuesday. Its the song played during the 1:17 second halo reach new Campaign trailer. I would also add the harp part but my finale doesn't allow 2 part writing :(

File attachments: 
File Winter Contincgrency.rar0 bytes


Pengy's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo Reach Winter Contingrency

.rar files are a way of compressing multiple files, like .zip files, I believe...

cheif mendez's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo Reach Winter Contingrency

If you want to download a .rar file, download the WINRAR program. Its free, just google search "WINRAR"

theawesome1's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo Reach Winter Contingrency

I know how to open it without WINRAR, but it's much more confusing than .zip files.

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