I think the answer to that is a pretty safe "Yes." Bear in mind, Halo 3 did $300 million in sales in its first week. The next question is, will it be called "Halo 4" and will it feature the Master Chief (and Cortana)?
Well folks, your old Dad just finished playing Halo 3 all the way through on Legendary, and my 45 year old fingers are just as nimble as they were when I played Pong for the first time in 1974. I wanted to see that Legendary ending, and I wanted to earn it the hard way.
Having seen it, I have the following comments: 1) The "Planet" that the Chief and Cortana are drifting toward is not Onyx. In fact, it is not a planet. Reports that there are lights on the surface are also false. I am convinced that the object is not the spaceship from Marathon or Durandal.
The surface detail on the "planet" looks way too much like the surface detail on every forerunner built object we have seen so far --anyone notice the circular object that looks just like similar circular objects on the outside of the Halos?
That spherical object is a forerunner construct. If you read the content from the computer terminals on the Ark and on Halo 00, you see references to "The Maginot Sphere." For you kids out there not familiar with European History, The Maginot Line was a line of impregnable fortresses built by the French on their border with Germany in the 1930's to stop Hitler. As an aside, Hitler bypassed the Maginot Line by going around it, through Belgium.
So The Maginot Sphere was a fortress where the forerunners hid from the Flood.
At the end of Halo 2, Bungie foreshadowed Halo 3 with the dialog between Cortana and the Gravemind on High Charity.
It would appear from the Legendary ending that the next Halo Adventure will feature the Master Chief and Cortana, and will begin at or in the Maginot Sphere.
Charles M
- You can't post comments
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
Added the spoiler tag.
Also, I'm pretty sure that "sphere" is used in this context to refer to a volume of space rather than a physical structure, the concept of a "line" not having the same meaning in three dimensions as it does in two.
Having said that, the sphere could be a shield world like Onyx, which would fit your definition of "Maginot Sphere" so it's largely just a question of nomenclature.
Rampant for over se7en years.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?maybe the "sphere" is a Halo version of the Death Star!!!
(Imperial March plays as the MC wakes from the cryo tube)
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
The planet is Onyx. It is not a "real" planet though. It's artificial. If you read the book Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, you would learn that the planet is made out of Sentinels, and that makes the planet impenetrable by the weapon that destroys all sentient beings. That's why the forerunners considered the planet Onyx as the "The Maginot Sphere".
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?The "Maginot Sphere" is not any individual shield world just as the "Maginot Line" was not any individual fortress, but rather a line of demarcation formed by them that divided enemy-held territory from protected territory.
[spoiler]As a two dimensional line has no meaning in three dimensional space, the "Maginot Sphere" is not a single object, but a spherical territory in space that divides the portion protected by the Forerunners and their shield worlds (as well as by other methods, see the terminal messages) and those which were abandoned to the Flood and could only be scoured by activating the array.
Rampant for over se7en years.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?From what I have scryed from the terminals, the Maginot Sphere was an actual planet/fortress/ginat orb.
However this orb could only be reached through slip-space. Now considering what was going on at the time (the ark was exploding, the portal was closing) I believe the chief DID make it through(unknown to the MC and Cortana) but due to said explosions and what-not, ended up somewhere else.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?i would actually have to agree with this post. to a point. i don't know what the cheif is floating towards, but one things for sure, it does mean an open ending...and you know what that means? yep, another game. anyway, what i'm agree with Anonymous on is the books. I have and have read, all of them. Very good i might add. Anyone should pick them up...great back stories. But, and this is the real reason I'm agreeing with this guys post: Towards the end of the game, halo 3, you take down the monitor. WHAMO, once again the Sentinels are fighting YOU again. Big suprise? Not really, you just destroyed something else that belonged to them. Now, here is where i agree with the 45 year old dad, good job beating the game by the way, I do believe there will be another game in the mix, complete with the master cheif and cortana, although i believe "they" will be fighting the forerunner machines or something like that. and lets not forget, you still have the flood to contend with...If i'm not mistaken, there are se7en rings....we've only destroyed two....the first one, and the one in halo 3 that was being rebuilt to replace the first one. on each one of those rings, in the most cold, barren and snow covered areas, were FLOOD. they were on the rings to house them...well, WHO PUT THEM THERE? WHERE DID IT COME FROM? also, the monitor and the books, and the terminal, and a bunch of other junk points to the obvious fact, the master cheif IS FORERUNNER. Some other food for thought here...IF you read the books, then you know that while the "Ghosts of Onyx" story line was taking place, the cheif was on earth or delta halo or somewhere fighting for earth...so, what happened to them? Dr. Hasley, the other spartans? Maybe this will be in the next game as well? but i guess the main point is, with all the other things going on in our world now, maybe we shouldn't worry about what is going on with the development of the next game, give these programmers a break, and just wait and see what happens. ????
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?just a quick correction... you may have read the books but you obviously haven't read too much into the details of the story line. master chief is not forerunner at all. humans had a special relationship with the forerunners. therefore, they were chosen to inherit forerunner technology. ie the name reclaimer. not forerunner... reclaimer. the covenant believe THEY are destined to inherit that tech though, and when the prophets find out it is the humans instead, they hide that fact from the rest of the covenant and declare war on humanity as to exterminate THEM would mean covenant would be the only beings left to claim it. therefore, the name Medler comes in (as 343 guilty spark, also known as Mendicant Bias' AI unit so gently puts it). The open part of the story;s ending comes in where the forerunners left off: Mendicant Bias bipassed the Shield and as a last resort, the forerunners activated "Project Onyx" which is the real name for what we call the Halo weapon system. Only the more important forerunners had access and ability to be protected by the Shield (and im not just talking about the shield worlds) and so many believe they would have escaped rather then simply destroy themselves. However, nobody knows what happened to them. and so this could be how a Halo 4 story line would proceed, uncovering the unsolved mysteries of the forerunners instead of fighting covenant. But, it is also important to keep in mind that because the forerunners favored humanity... There would have to be even further additions to the story line besides flood to give a new enemy for you to fight.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?The planet Onyx was destroyed in The Ghost of Onyx Novel i have all of the books and comics and games
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
there is only one answer to the qestion[quote]will there be a halo 4[/quote] and the answer is yes
it has nothing to do with the sphere but the peter jackson project
you wait and see with the film there will come a new halo will acompany.
if you ask me it is the rumored halo d.s project
which could mean the film will be as low a rating as 12a
negi springfield
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
hi i am the new guy.
yes halo 4 is coming and it will accompany somethng that we all want right now
the halo movie
unfortunatley this will mean it will most likely be the feared and hated d.s version
spartan-014 out
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?[quote=jake_014]hi i am the new guy.
yes halo 4 is coming and it will accompany somethng that we all want right now
the halo movie
unfortunatley this will mean it will most likely be the feared and hated d.s version
spartan-014 out[/quote]
I'll say this once again. Maybe people will listen this time.
Halo 4 has not been announced. Bungie kept the development of Halo 3 a secret for a year and a half. Nobody outside of Bungie knows if there will be a true Halo 4 as a sequel to Halo 3. The statements that this game ends the trilogy's story arc would indicate no.
The Peter Jackson project is not Halo 4. It is not a shooter. It is not a sequel to the first three games. It is not connected to the movie.
The movie, currently, is not being made. It has no studio backing and no funding. I am sure Bungie and Peter Jackson would still like it to be made and are probably making some efforts along those lines, but the director Jackson chose-- Neill Blomkamp-- has stated public that the Halo movie project is "dead" and he does not expect it to be revived.
The DS version was also an unsolicited demo and is not being made.
I hope that clears things up. Please don't repeat things you don't personally know to be fact from a trusted source. That's how these silly rumors get started and build up unrealistic expectations.
Rampant for over se7en years.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?well, i dont know much of peter jackson, but i do know that the movie never even began production, and i've seen multiple statements from bungie stating that the halo trilogy is over, at least on the current genoration of consoles, which brings some amount of hope for xbox 720
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
I have to say i totally agree, ever thou i havent read all the terminals, because i just like to kill stupid brutes. But if you watch the credits after you beat the last level on lengendary, master chief goes back inot is cyro tube, instead of coming out, like he did in the first halo, he admits that; halo, the flood and the covenant, are finished, instead of in the first one saying, " I think we're just getting started." Also the fact that bungie said this game will finsh all the fights you started in the perviuos halos. Not the series. I think we can all say, the brutes, profets, grunts, jackals, and hunters are gone. The flood we shall see about, because in the first halo, the gulity spark, says theres no way to stop the flood, besides killing its food source. All life in the universe. It also of somewhat puts them to "sleep."
Now i believe that the flood on the ark, wasnt all the flood in the universe, if we ever see them agian... well we dont know. If theres was only one gravemind, or hundreds we dont know. What comes of the halos.. we dont know. Now he's right, the Maginot Sphere is where the next series will start. We're they'll take it from there, hard to say.
There have been some who say that Bungie will stop the Halo franchise, but i say BULL. The secret scene proves that there will be another Halo game. now will it be called Halo 4? i doubt it, because that would be continuing from the last fight. But besides Bungie isn't dumb enough too leave us on a cliff hanger with that scene that music, that they have used for the pervious two halo's endings. If they did, then wtf bungie, i hope you burn.
Deadshot L42
negi springfield
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?how about marathon zero
(laughs hysterically)
(dies from own idiotic statement) :sick:
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
I havent read the books but I can tell there will not be a halo 4, But I know there will be a new game with The cheif in it or Bungie would not have even had MC tell Cortana to wake him up. If i were you i wouldn't be expecting any more halo titles except Halo Wars and maybe the Halo movie.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?heh, we don't want a halo 4, we just want the story to continue, not enough has been answered.
Its hard to tell what there doing next, because if you watch all the live action video's on the halo 3 website, (the memorial museum thingy) its obliviously several years (possibly a few decades) since master chief disappeared. and then the legendary ending, that teases a continuation with the music and that sphere in the back, may it be a construct, planet, moon, or something else all together (I like the onyx theory, but i still need to finish the book im 5/6 the way through). we can just all hope that whatever comes next will clear everything up. may it be a movie, an interactive movie, or game, I hope they don't let us all down and end the story here with so much unanswered.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
heh, we don't want a halo 4, we just want the story to continue, not enough has been answered.
Its hard to tell what there doing next, because if you watch all the live action video's on the halo 3 website, (the memorial museum thingy) its obliviously several years (possibly a few decades) since master chief disappeared. and then the legendary ending, that teases a continuation with the music and that sphere in the back, may it be a construct, planet, moon, or something else all together (I like the onyx theory, but i still need to finish the book im 5/6 the way through). we can just all hope that whatever comes next will clear everything up. may it be a movie, an interactive movie, or game, I hope they don't let us all down and end the story here with so much unanswered.
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
Ok heres what i think. it might be a secret forerunner getaway planet or object w/e. Because the floods prey is everything right? Well the forerunner had to do something so in turn they built a object of forerunner technology to protect them, so when the rings fire off they can rebuild everything, make everything they want it to be instead of having war surrounding them. And take in mind im not tuned to halo lore or w/e so i dont know alot about halo but what i do know is that cant be a planet because if it is and its an ancient planet with an unknown race present mc and cortana are screwed and will need to get in touch with someone which in there situation seems impossible. Now about the New Halo. They it would close the openings from the first 2 halos and it did! very much. BUT theres one problem they never said that They wont make more halos for the story. I bet they will start halo "whatever" on this mysterius place and mc and cortana have to figure out where they are and get back. And im telling u its probly gonna be inhabited by some mysterius ancient race or by the flood or by the forerunners. Who knows. Anyways while im waiting im gonna finish halo3 on legendary. then do halo 1 and halo 2 Pce yall :D
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
Er... lots of spoilers.
Personally, I feel like there's too little solid information on how the Halo Array actually works to decipher the events following the first cataclysm, or indeed, the intended goal of the Maginot Sphere (which I agree, is likely a sort of metaphor for a three dimensional, orb-shaped defensive perimeter). The part of the Terminal readings that confuses me is a statement referencing "indexing," from a character being addressed as the Librarian. One would assume this has something to do with the Index, the firing key for the Halos. The only reason that the Index might be named that, is if it contains a list or categorization method of sentient species within range of the Halos. This would help explain how the Halo Effect actually targets only Sentient Life. A life-killer ray isn't too infeasible (neutrons, for example), but they would be indiscriminate. A target frequency aligned to specific life forms could feasibly disassemble them from the inside out, leaving non-threatened flora and fauna unharmed. Then the librarian talks about moving the indexed life-forms, references the formidable resiliency of his/her charges. That seems to suggest an effort to preserve potential life-forms for post-cataclysmic development. The Forerunner themselves, however, don't seem to be included. The only reason I can figure this is that the "Mantle" that they reference is likely a code of honor or duty, and that the Forerunner feel the need to fight the infestation until they are forced to use the Array. Their leader also appeared confident that he could beat the Flood with the assistance of Mendicant Bias (obviously he was mistaken.) Also, during the course of the Terminals, Offensive Bias (Mendicant's Replacement, and ultimate savior?) indicates that Mendicant and his communally-minded charges (The Flood) possessed the capacity to enter the Maginot Sphere, and in doing so, destroy the Array. If that's the case, the Maginot Sphere is more likely a defensive border of sorts, rather than the name for a given construct.
So, the question regarding what, exactly, that sphere-shaped object is in the Legendary ending is still largely up for debate. Certainly Mendicant Bias's final destination was the terminal network of Installation 00 (and the one he probably introduced into the rebuilt 04's pulse generator room), so it seems unlikely that the actual construct that we see is THE Maginot Sphere, or even possibly, one of several Maginot "Spheres". It's the direct correlation to what Paris-proper was to the Ouvrages of the first Maginot Line. It's more likely one of several (possibly extra-galactic?) "shield worlds", similar in construction but likely far different from, Onyx. By my supposition, this would be where the beings the Librarian spoke of were shipped to. Safe-havens, so that life could persist after the inevitable storm of the Array. It's possible, even, that there would be 100,000+ years worth of advanced Terrestrial human(oid?)s dwelling within that place.
And a pretty boring place for running, jumping, shooting, stabbing, killing, and the general muckery of blowin' crap up, Master Chief-style.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?hi there wll be halo 4 and the movie comes out 008 summer
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?it didnt cause this is 10 now
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?there will be halo 4 and the movie comes out summer 2008
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
I don't think so
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?In my opinion I say there has to be a halo 4 (I kinda hope it isn't called that though since I don't see how they could tie the halo rings into it). Bungie left too many questions unanswered at the end of the third one and if they arent't making any more halo games, or games starting where halo 3 left off, then they should seriously have their brains examined.
I think that strange "planet" that master chief arrives at in the end of the third one is forerunner in my opinion but i'm not sure what the blue smaller blue sphere that shows up to the right of the "planet" is. I think it may be a blue star that is lighting up the "planet".
As for halo 3 saying finish the fight, I say what fight was finished? Was it the fight with the flood, the fight with the covenant, or something else? It says finish THE fight not finish the story so there has to be a continuation to the story.
I think some story lines for a fourth one could be that since MC goes to "sleep" at the end of the third game maybe he stays in that state for hundreds maybe even thousands of years and finally cortana awakens him telling him she has recieved a distress signal from earth and they have to find there way back to earth. However they don't realize that the signal was a few houndred years old and when they arrive on earth it has been taken over by covenant, or flood or some other enemy.
Another story line could be that after master chief is "pronounced dead" on earth the marines tell his family and maybe his brother or father or one of the family members just doesen't believe it and goes on a journey to find MC.
That's what I think about a possible halo 4 and I think that bungie isn't going to tell anybody about it until they are just about to release it.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?just asking you do realize that master chief is a cyborg not a human
and that he has no family just marine friends
also he was already pronounced dead to everyone in the halo 3 ending.
i think a good way to start the story would be to land on the planet
and there would be some forerunners their to greet you and stuff but
then something happens like the flood or a new enemy since the flood
was apparently finished, and the forerunners and you get on a working
ship and fly back to earth and these enemy's follow you back and a war
starts again, humans start to lose so they send a distress call to the
elites and they come to help and that kind of stuff.
but thats just what i think it should be like.
also does anybody know if you can actually play as the arbiter in halo 3
i prefer to play as arbiter than master chief.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?"just asking you do realize that master chief is a cyborg not a human
and that he has no family just marine friends"
Master Chief was kidnapped from his parents in Eradanus II in year 2517 when he was six years old. he was cloned and the clone was left with the parents.
Even though his genetics were enhanced through physical augmentation therefore he IS human.
check out this site http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Master_Chief
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?Hey! I'm a new guy, just by the way, and I've been reading all the posts here. Personally, I think there isn't going to be a Halo 4. Yes, it would be great financially. Yes, it would be possible to extend the plot. Yes, there are a lot of loose ends. But Bungie is a strange group. If you watch interviews with the programmers, you can see their eccentricities. They'll probably keep Halo down to 3 games, partly to let Halo go out with a bang, and partly to make us all suffer because the series has ended. So there's a lot of reasons to continue. So what? They don't care. They said they'd end it, and they'll do exactly what they said they would, because it's what we don't really expect. Because that's how they roll.
That's what I think.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?ok, your really annyoing, no offence. But i DO thik there will be a Halo 4. Why? Because, Master Cheif and Cortanna are hurtling in space, towards a planet/forerunner thing. Ok, thats the end? their lost in space hurlting towards a planet! Thats all for Halo folks! Well, i dont think Bungie is sticking to their word on "Halo 3 is the last, of the Halo series" Nope, i dont think so. I mean COME ON! thats the end?! seriously you guys dont know what your talking about.
sheman7 (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?im pretty sure there will be a halo 4. halo 3 is "finish the fight". the fight was between the covenent and the humans. the flood was basiclly a bad science expirement gone horrbley wrong. the sentinals r forruner tech. in halo3 the fight was indeed over but a new 1 was just beginning to progress. now if there will be a halo4 it would be a 3 way battle between the sentinals, the flood and mc w/cortana like towards the end of halo2 (but ur arbiter). now the "planet" that they drift towards is either onyx or the "maginat sphere". 4 the sphere however it would have to be an inpenetrible surface. but that does not rule out the terminal references. now 4 the master chiefs brother to go out and find him (just in case u didnt no, i am repling to some one who thinks master chief has a family) he would have to EXSIST. master chief is his own family. he was an orphan when keyes found him.(keyes senior)(thats from the 1st book).by the way about the movie, i personally think that a movie would make joke about the seris. its just not something u could make a movie out of. more evidence of a 4th game is when master chief says "wake me...when you need me". maybe bungie is yanking our chain but im pretty sure that means something. i think that a more "likly story line is were the "planet" is a "maginot sphere" and cortana finds some way to make contact with the UNSC,tells them to come quick, 4 they r going to actvate a ring(sacrficing themselves)and destroying the flood with them. that would indeed be the end of master chief while the forrerunners and humans live in harmony making master chief the hero he was "bread" to be.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?I agree in saying that there will be another halo game whether it is called halo 4 or not it might base around master cheif being awakened hundreds or thousands of years later getting a distress call from earth but being an older message and earth being inhabited by the covenant(being reproduced over the years) and possibly there is a colony of humans rebuilt somewhere else and the new soldiers being led by master cheif to retake earth. Also there could be the threat of the remaining rings possibly being controlled by the covenant and master cheif might have to destroy or de-activate them which would preety much make the game Halo 4. Well, that is my opinion and i hope another game is made.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?master chief has no family they were killed when eridnus 2 was glassed read the books and you will learn a lot
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
Yeah i think that there will be a Halo 4 of sorts but it wont be called that like someone else said it would tie the rings in it unless when they activated the one ring all of them fired... so maybe it will be called "The Chronicles of MC and Cortana Trying to Find Out Where the F*** they are" working title...LOL. But as for somthing like that it would be nice to understan everything that is left unanswered like what really happened to the forrunner...
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
you know its all starting to make sense now exept ive been hearing that flood and covenent teamed up and your saying that therye hiding from the flood
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?no no it was the master chief and the arbiter who had teamed up with the flood to stop the prophet of truth but after the arbiter impaled truth with his sword the flood turned against them
also it does not matter which difficulty you complete halo 3 on the end with master chief still shows. and a friend told me that there is going to be halo chronicles supposedly to answer most questions about the forerunners and the flood.
if this game is true then i think it would start with the arbiter and elites returning to the spot where halo fired to look for chief or something along those lines
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?[quote=Anonymous]no no it was the master chief and the arbiter who had teamed up with the flood to stop the prophet of truth but after the arbiter impaled truth with his sword the flood turned against them
also it does not matter which difficulty you complete halo 3 on the end with master chief still shows.[/quote]
Actually it does. There is one post-credits sequence that always plays. There is another, shorter one that plays AFTER that one if you've been playing on Legendary.
[quote=Anonymous]and a friend told me that there is going to be halo chronicles supposedly to answer most questions about the forerunners and the flood.[/quote]
Pure speculation at this point-- no information about Halo Chronicles whatsoever has been made public.
Rampant for over se7en years.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?actually i do know simply because my fathers friend is a worker at the microsoft corporation
don't think that bungie keeps their games to themselves all the time
but true it may not be halo chronicles they may call it by a different name
only problem is that bungie doesn't expect it to be finished until mid 2011 if they start after halo wars.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
I think there will not be a halo 4 but it might be called somethin else. I haven't finished all the books but I know there are other spartans Fred , Kelly, and Linda. Bungie might create a story about them. From what I read in magazines they are currently in a "safe zone" bunker that is a protection thing when all the other rings are activated. But if bungie let us hang and dont make another game then @#$^#! them! [quote
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
no but there might be a game about the other spartans that supposedly are chiefs friends they have to go and rescue chief because the planet or watever it is holds a new type of alien and the other spartans are called to help. If bungie doesnt make another game.....
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
i sincerely hope there will be.... though some say the movie is coming out though it is hard to say
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
i hope there will e but some say there wont. Well ##$$@$$ thm.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?There will be a HALO 4. Do you want to know how I know? Halo 3 made 300 million dollars in one week. If I were a smart man who wanted to make money, and I was in charge of the company who made the game, and my name was Bill Gates... I would make halo 538 as long as the customer kept buying the product. Heck look at the windows operating syestem.. same friggin thing evrey few years with a few shiney new bells and whistles.
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?[quote=Anonymous]There will be a HALO 4. Do you want to know how I know? Halo 3 made 300 million dollars in one week. If I were a smart man who wanted to make money, and I was in charge of the company who made the game, and my name was Bill Gates...[/quote]
Gates is retired now, so I doubt he's involved in day to day decisions involving Halo-- if indeed he ever was.
[quote=Anonymous]I would make halo 538 as long as the customer kept buying the product. Heck look at the windows operating syestem.. same friggin thing evrey few years with a few shiney new bells and whistles.[/quote]
Well, that's the trick, isn't it. The trick is to figure out which Halo game would stop selling, and then stop making them right before that one.
Quitting while one is ahead, for instance. Like now.
Furthermore, as MS doesn't own Bungie anymore, what MS thinks about Halo is separate from what Bungie decides to do.
And a Halo sequel-- a shooter-- without Bungie?
Wouldn't be the same, and not sure I'd be that interested.
Rampant for over se7en years.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
there will probably be another halo but maybe not with the master chief maybe with the other spartans or the have to go rescue chief from being captured by the forerruners. But from the book the ghosts of onyx the "planet" is made of sentinel beings. So anywho there probably will be a halo 4
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?hey there will be a halo 4 not the same name tho. chief also sais that the flood is destroyed but how does he know they could be on any of the other 5 rings, second the reason microsoft left bungie a cliff hanger was so that if bungie decided that they wanted to keep going they would have a chance to do so, and third i need to go buy the books only read 1 !!!
o and onyx is the planet that chief is floating twoard their is no doubt about it it looks just like how the book describes it
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?let me tell you something. all the other spartans r dead. mc is the only 1 left. if u ask me the only way mc could be saved is other by the unsc(wich we all know that they never did nor could)or by himself. now wat could happen is were they find a safehold on the "planet" that they drift towards and somehow have to go back to another ring and destroy even more flood. because even though he says that the flood is finished he 1. doesnt know 4 sure and 2. could be talking about just that ring. keep in mind that there r 7 rings. wev only destroyed 1 and another that the covenent were building to replace the 1st 1. so personally i dont see any reason 4 ms to buy the franchise and not do anything with it. there probablly is going to be a "halo4" but i doubt it would as good.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
i read on the internet that their might be a halo 4 but it's not going to be by bungie but by gearbox software it's not sure but if you playered army of two then your know what they do and their thinkin of focusing it on the elite side our covies so the squad will be more active alot more alive but it's just a say don't know thougth
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
Your post is very interesting Charles. I really do want to believe that there will be a halo 4. Bungie did say that they would not be making any more Halo games, and now their announcing Halo 3 Recon, which I hear is technically halo 2.5 although no one has confirmed this for me. So I guess it is safe to say that there will be another game. Maybe it wont be called Halo 4, but it will show something extremely close to the story, just like Recon.
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?[quote=spartan182]Your post is very interesting Charles. I really do want to believe that there will be a halo 4. Bungie did say that they would not be making any more Halo games, and now their announcing Halo 3 Recon, which I hear is technically halo 2.5 although no one has confirmed this for me. So I guess it is safe to say that there will be another game. Maybe it wont be called Halo 4, but it will show something extremely close to the story, just like Recon.[/quote]
H3:R is "Halo 2.5" in the sense that it takes place during the timeline of Halo 2, but it uses the Halo 3 engine (hence the "Halo 3" in the title.
Bungie has confirmed that they have no current plans for further Halo games after this, and MS now owns the property-- Bungie did not take it with them when they went independent.
I think it's very safe to say that there will not be another Halo game by Bungie after H3R. What MS does with the franchise after that will be out of Bungie's hands, I expect.
Rampant for over se7en years.
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?Well thanks for clearing that up for me Narc. I guess your right, although many people will still refuse the fact that there might not be another Halo game.
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?Actually I think there could easily be more Halo games after Recon.
They just won't be done by Bungie. MS wouldn't have taken the franchise when Bungie got spun off if they didn't intend on using it, and somehow I don't think they'll restrict themselves to the "nobody even knows what it is" Wingnut project and Halo Wars.
Rampant for over se7en years.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?the awnser i yes the book ghost of onyx ties up with halo3 at the end and the terminals if you read the book youll notice the epilouge blue team docter hasley and the major escape but were trapped in the core ofonyx in a slip space field my guess is that master cheif finds them and makes his escape with them while fighting off the sentinals oh and there will be a level called sentinal ghost.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?I think this series will never die, it will be still a hit in the next 10 years or more. and of acorss there will be another halo 4 duh!
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
In reply to: Re: Will there be a Halo 4?you would think that but no ones gonna play it now that mw2 and all the new games are coming out unless they make a new grand one that had to be a sequel to halo 3 with mc so either count halo out or keeep waiting for 10 years
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
From all the data i gathered i believe they will be making a new halo. I am not excatly what you would call a "fan," but i thought halo 3 (the only halo game i own and play) was an excellent game, and it would be a huge dissapointment if they stopped. It has been a controversial topic, and people who dont believe there isnt going to be one do have some good points. Like at the end when master cheif sayed "its finished," and at the back of the game it sayed "the stunning conclusion to the halo trilogy." And personally im a bit mad that bungie would show that bonus ending and not do anything about it. But there are arguable facts, like i read something about an internal team was building somewhere to work on it. Since if there is a halo 4 coming out bungie will not be making it. And you are right, halo is a huge franchise, why stop now? And i seriously think they should add on to the forerunner technology. Personally i think halo 4 will be coming out, with all the efforts to keep the series alive for possibly one more game, that will be fine by me.
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
It's kind of funny reading this post after a while. I have to say that it is absolutely safe now to say that there will not be a Halo 4. The story has ended. However, that does not mean that there won't be another game. Long ago we were told that Halo 3 was the last game to come out and now we have ODST and Reach. So yeah, Halo 4? Not coming out. Another game dealing with the Halo series to answer questions about previous stories? Possible. If Bungie has stated that this time Reach is going to be the last enstallment to the Halo series, well I wouldn't believe them because of all the add ons they have generated since Halo 3. Still, if you really want to believe that there is a Halo 4 there are technically 6, 7 if you count Waypoint as a game, so pick whatever one you want to call Halo 4 to make yourself happy. :P
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Will there be a Halo 4?
I have played Halo: Reach a couple of times with one of my friends, and after looking up videos of all of the endings to the other Halo games, I actually believe that Halo 4 will begin where it all began: back on Reach. If you watch the ending to Halo: Reach, you will see Noble 6's helmet lying on the ground after he is killed, but you also see the same helmet 30 years after the end of Halo 3. Also, if you look even closer, you can see a half of a ship behind the helmet. Does that half of the ship not look like the half that Master Chief was in? It could be possible that there are still enemies on Reach that are against the UNSC.I'm not 100% positive that this is it, but after watching other videos, it seems highly possible. I do not think that the planet Master Chief flew toward was a giant sphere; I simply believe it was Reach he was floating toward.