XerxdeeJ has announced in the HBO forum that he's started a Halo blog called Tied The Leader. There's an interesting piece there now called Sportsmanship and Anonymity that covers some well-traveled territory; the seeming need for many XBL players-- regardless of ability-- to utilize proximity voice for displaying their facility with colorful language.
(This is one of those rare social problems with a clear technical solution. Proximity voice is cool, but useless. It's only ever used for trash talk, swearing and racism. And the possibility of being overheard via proximity voice while talking to your team discourages the use of the communicator for legitimate purposes. Bungie, please-- make team talk the default without pressing any buttons, and either remove proximity voice entirely, or make the button-press a "broadcast" to all players in the game, like countless of other PC shooters with keyboard interfaces-- like PC Halo, for instance. Kudos for the innovation, but extra credit for realizing the experiment's gone wrong. The potential coolness of proximity voice for well-meant, consensual, and witty taunting is more than overwhelmed by everything else--Ed.)