Kudos to Acrappa, who pointed out an Oni editorial at games.macnn.com which discusses the unusual lack of violence in Oni. Which is more or less on the mark, though one might disagree with his suggested reasoning. However, of particular note was this cleverly hidden sentence:
While your character is armed with a frightening array of martial arts moves and weaponry, the only sign that she has inflicted damage to her opponents comes via the enemy's flashing when hit.
As you can see, it appears Bungie has replaced spurts of blood and gore with brief scenese of nudity as injured enemies flash you. Scandalous! One wonders what the parent groups and the ever ominous Microsoft had to do with this radical change in direction...
In all seriousness, this is an interesting read, and for some, a controversial one. The suggestion that the removal of a lot of violence from Oni in later builds is somehow related to a softening of Bungie's integrity will doubtless have some people up in arms... certainly worth checking out.