We were first informed by Acrappa about oni.godgames.com, and that oni.bungie.com now forwards to the same location. It appears that the final transfer of ownership has begun.
The site's splash Flash animation states that Oni will definitely be out by January 29th and the news page promises a daily feature where they'll detail all of the various moves that Konoko can use to put the hurt on her enemies. That should be fun for some, and a bit too spoilerish for others. Don't go away yet... things get more interesting!
As some of us on RHL jumped around the page, Circumflex was the first to notice that the screenshots page refers to net games in the upper right-hand corner. Net games!?!? That's right... clear as crystal. However, let's not get too excited at this point. Some of R.net's sources have informed us that the Iron Demon (the giant robot we've seen and heard about) didn't make it into the final game, yet a screenshot of that is also up on the GoD Games site. If one pays attention to the individual pages' titles, one will also note that the front (splash) page is titled Welcome to Oni.Com , the news page is titled Movies and the support page is titled Screen Shots ... denoting a certain laziness and amount of inaccuracy on GoD's part.
Could it be that GoD's webmonkies just ripped the images and HTML from Bungie's site without checking on what changes might have occurred to the game itself? Is there a miniscule possibility that netplay for Oni could be one of the great revelations promised to come tonight at the Gathering? Doubtful, but we'll bring you more information as we become aware of it!
- Forum: Re: Oni netplay.