Kudos to Bravehamster, who has put together some instructions for PC users trying to get onto b.net. Apparently, there are some things in the bungie.net preferences that require... ahem... hex-editing in order to make Myth see the right server. Fortunately, it's not that hard:
For all you PC users out there, here's a method of updating your prefs so you can access B.net (note - should only be attempted by advanced users, and even then I advise you to make a backup of your mythII preferences folder before continuing):
- Open up a hex-editor (if you don't know what this is, stop now)
- Within the hex-editor, open up the file /program files/mythII/preferences/bungienet
- Use your hex-editor to find the ASCII string
- Replace this string with venus.bungie.net
- Save file.
- Do a happy dance.
- Return to your regularly scheduled rank h00ring.
A fairly simple procedure, and as far as we know this is exempt from the usual no hex-editing laws of b.net. A patch will likely appear soon, but in the meantime, give this a shot. And if necessary, the forum is there for people needing help with the procedure.