Santa's Head just recently dropped a bit of a zinger on our forum in response to some comments about Iron-enabled Trow in Myth III: The Wolf Age. A lot of people have openly expressed concern about the possibility for one of the most powerful units in Myth becoming even more powerful. This is what SH had to say:
We talked with Scott (project head) about this yesterday.. I must say that his answer awed me. (can't tell ya details) There may be a small balance issue or two to work out, but I can guarantee that a Myrk Giant mistake WILL NOT be made. In fact, today Meggs was asking if they should be in the multi-player game at all, and I voted _for_ it. Hey, I dig variety, and a single map with wild units on it can be a good thing. Think of the balance in the Myth one map For Carnage Apply Within. Trow are at the mercy of soulless and act as a different kind of melee unit. This kind of special unit can make for very fun gaming. Myrk Giants are wildly umbalanced for a variety of reasons.. the most prominent being: never give the fastest unit a projectile weapon , he'll last forever in a very lame way.I know everyone is worried about the Team 'ruining' their favorite game. I was myself until I got here.
Trust me.. this is going to live up to your expectations. We have a few add-ons that are NOT being thrown in to make sure the game is out on time, and most importantly, is a balanced, FUN game.
Also.. Scott just told me the BIG secret... (literally, ten seconds ago) 'who IS the Head'(from Myth I, not me)... *8)
-Santa's Head
Yow, that's a lot to digest in one bite. Thanks for the encouragement, SH!
- Forum: Re: Iron trow.