The server for Myth: TFL has acted awful cruddy as of late and has even been offline since yesterday. If you're one of those TFL die-hards, you may be worrying about it being discontinued, but the website has updated with news that should give you something to cheer for:
Some of you may have noticed that there have been a number of, well, problems with the TFL server's stability recently. It seems that after nearly four years of valliant service the TFL gaming server has opted for retirement and a cheap gold watch instead of the standard blaze of glory route that we prefer not only our employes but our hardware and peripherals to take when that time comes...What this means for the rest of you is that TFL will be down for a little bit. However, we plan to replace the current server with one that's just as, if not more stable in the next week or so! Hopefully, you won't have to wait long to resume your regular carnage garring activities.
Mmm... server upgrade.