I decided to mosey on over to Haloplayers to see if they'd returned from oblivion. Server outages and related difficulties happen to the best of us, of course, and I hadn't been able to raise their site for several days. This is the response I got today:
Haloplayers.com is moving
Haloplayers.com is moving to a new server with more resources. Unfortunately the old one went away before the new one was ready, so for now there's no site for you to look at, sorry. In the meantime you can still use the Haloplayers Player Forums.E-mail is back up: if you sent mail to someone @haloplayers.com earlier and it bounced, try sending it again. Note that some addresses haven't been set up yet, so if you find one that should work but still doesn't, please tell one of us. Thanks.
— deltab <deltab@blazingfast.net>, sysadmin on behalf of haloplayers.com
We at R.net wish the crew of Haloplayers a speedy return to life on the Web!