Bravehamster posted his thoughts on HALO after E3 just a couple of days ago, giving much praise, but promising a follow up. Well, it's here and it's not as good as some may have hoped.
Despite claims to the contrary in Matt's Weekly Update, split screen CTF is not a LOT of fun. Frame rate drops made hitting your opponent nearly impossible, like playing Quake3 over a 14.4 modem. Hopefully this was just a symptom of half-strength Xbox kits, but as Fractalus put it, double the framerate of 4 is still just 8. The graphic detail seemed very low quality and the expansive terrain seen in single-player was hidden by nearby tall cliffs. No trees, no ambient life, and only a single vehicle. If this is what we can look forward to on the xbox, thank you no, I'll wait for the PC version.
He goes on to say that the graphic detail between the single player and the multiplayer was like the difference between night and day . Overall, he recommends renting the XBox for the solo campaign and waiting for the Mac/PC versions for the real deal.