- Bungie's latest What's What Update is all about cheating and assuring players that the situation is going to improve; apparently another auto-update is on the way.
- Bungie is also looking to hire artists, animators, and programmers.
- GameSpy compiled a list of Xbox Live's top 25 games; Halo 2 was number one, and Halo 1 number six. (Who is number one? You are number six--Ed.)
- Matt Soell reminded HBO forumgoers not to forget Mike Salvatori when praising music in Bungie games like Halo and Halo 2. Salvatori is also working with Wideload Games on the soundtrack for Stubbs the Zombie.
- Every Friday, the Frag Dolls are going to take on Xbox Live subscribers, starting on July 15 with Halo 2.