Well, this isn't so much a problem, as it is a sort of symptom of humanity's disease. You see, one can't go almost anywhere on Bungie.net before they see chapter spam. It's everywhere. And I'm getting sick of it.

Every chapter that rolls out on the Seventh Column seems to believe that they are THE difinitive chapter for halo and halo 2. Yes, they are entitled to believe that, but does that mean they have to troll the other big chapters ISO new members, all the time? Yeah, I did it for a day or so, and since I got some members, I was happy. It seems though, that this new chapters lack the swank spunk that a lot of the older chapters have. And when decent new chapters DO come around, they get overwhelmed by all these seemingly 'clone' chapters.

There just doesn't seem to be too much origniality. Too many flame wars, alliances, etc. And way too many chapters that say they're always there, and you never seem to see too much activity. That's what irks me the most. I'll write more later.



vicmitkal's picture

When Myth was in it's prime, there were numerous clans and clan wars. Of course not all are good and some were known for other things besides gaming skills. The point of a clan is to game with players that you enjoy playing with and nothing more. Tournaments seperate the elite from the rest, but even elite teams have mascots (players known for their sense of humor and antics more than anythign else).

Overall, do not get too bothered by all the clans and everyone thinking they are the best. It's a natural occurence and it goes in cycles. As for myself, I choose to play specific game types and only with players I know or are affiliates of my friends. Call them allies if you want, but they often share a mutual respect for rules and have a code of conduct while playing.

If you ever stop enjoying a game, then it is time to move on. This is not to say that you cannot come back later, but why bring down the rest of the community if you choose to speak badly about it. Sometimes players just choose to cause a problem for everyone and there is little to nothing that can be done to change it. But overall, your gaming experience should be the most important, not rank or stats. And for the record, yes, I was once a rank h00r.

Vic Mitkal
a.k.a. Pimpy™

Vic Mitkal
a.k.a. Pimpy™