Just so viewers know, I've enabled an interstitial ad on the site. It's the first such ad requested on the site, through the AdBrite service, which I haven't actively used since mid-2005; I found that Google AdWords was sufficient to chip in enough small change to make me feel that the site isn't just a huge drag on the server that doesn't pay for itself. It doesn't pay for itself, but at least it's not freeloading.
I've enabled this ad mostly to see what it looks like. Supposedly it's a full page ad shown after three pageviews, and only once a day for each viewer. The site it is advertising seems to be a blogging and discussion site, and seems reasonably safe.
I will be keeping a close eye on this ad; if it really is obnoxious, or the site it actually links to is in any way inappropriate, I will disable it, and if anybody sees the ad and has any comments about it, please feel free.
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Claude Errera
...since it doesn't seem to show up. :)
I just viewed almost a dozen pages, and saw it not once. (I'd assume that it was blocked by Firefox, except that Firefox tells you when it blocks stuff - and really, it only blocks popups, not interstitials.)
So yeah - cool. :)
In reply to: Tolerable...It may not be showing up yet. I'm going to keep an eye on it.
Rampant for over se7en years.
In reply to: Tolerable...Huh. Perhaps there was a reason why I dropped AdBrite two years ago. I approved the ad, and now it doesn't appear anywhere. It's not running, it's not queued, it's not approved, it's not finished, and it's not rejected.
Maybe I imagined it.
If it doesn't show up soon I'll just ditch AdBrite altogether. Again.
Rampant for over se7en years.