Was that the MA5B assualt rifle in the HALO3 trailer ? If so contact me please!!! Also if anyone has new H2 wallpaper contact me and is battle rifle in H3?



narcogen's picture

It isn't. Bungie has admitted it looks like a combination of the BR-55 and the MA-5B. And it does.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Spartan182's picture

In reply to: Rifle in trailer

I thought it was. I have heard theories that bungie is going to bring back the original guns from halo as well as from halo 2 into halo 3. We will have all the weapons from both games....or maybe not its only a theory.


ThEARbiTer117H's picture

In reply to: Rifle in trailer

Even so, if this takes place almost right after after halo 2 then wered Masterchief get it? Oh, and woudn't that be awesome if they had the old classic M6D pistol?

"This is Spartan 117. Can anyone here me?" "Isolate that signal. Master Chief, do you mind telling me what your doing on that ship?" "Sir, finishing this fight."

Anonymous's picture

I cant wait anylonger i hope the ma5b assult rifle is back

narcogen's picture

In reply to: when halo3 comes out submitted by sparks117

[quote=Anonymous]I cant wait anylonger i hope the ma5b assult rifle is back will it ever come out for xbox1[/quote]

Do you mean, will halo 3 ever come out on the original Xbox?

I feel safe in saying "no, never."

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.