Let's Play Destiny Co-op #110 King's Fall Raid Part 1
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We're playing the next of Bungie's famous games, the Real Time Tactics fantasy wargame, Myth. Set in a mysterious land of cyclical war and destruction, Myth lets you command an ragtag army in a desperate battle against the forces of the Fallen Lords.
In this first level, a small detachment of soldiers left behind to defend the sleepy village of Crow's Bridge get a nasty surprise when the enemy's animated corpses, the Thrall, emerge from the river.
The S'pht decide to give the cyborg a special reward, and this easter egg produces the first level worthy of an inclusion in Anita Sarkeesian's "Tropes vs Women" series as we're led into a pool full of nude female simulacra. Just be sure to play nice, unlike Narcogen.
We're fighting the Pfhor in Italy of the past in third party scenario Tempus Irae!
Tempus Irae can be played, like the other Marathon games, using the open source Aleph One engine which you can get here for Windows, Mac and Linux:
We place the final manuscript in the final receptacle and wonder aloud: is that all there is? Are we really at The End?
We're fighting the Pfhor in Italy of the past in third party scenario Tempus Irae!
Tempus Irae can be played, like the other Marathon games, using the open source Aleph One engine which you can get here for Windows, Mac and Linux:
Tempus Irae and other third party scenarios for the Aleph One engine can be downloaded here:
Once again, we were planning on going straight to Feros, but the Admiral wants us to pat down some monkeys.
We're now running on the Xbox One in Backwards Compatibility mode. Since DLC is no longer supported, this means we did an off-camera scratch start with a new character who looks a lot like the earlier one and is an Infiltrator, but has a different background, a few more Renegade points, and now actually has to level up abilities and collect weapons and armor for herself and the crew.