Bungie Community Guy Matt Soell has showed up on the radar again, posting in our forum to let us know that THERE WILL BE MAC AND PC VERSIONS OF HALO, no matter how many posts you might see from malicious dolts who confirmed with a Bungie developer that Mac Halo is dead .
Thanks again, Matt. A pleasure as always.
But that's merely an unfortunate sideshow compared to what we've seen so far-- FanFestV and E3-- and what is yet to come, according to the esteemed Bungie Guy:
There was a semi-big project (took days and days) I was working on for the FanFest that got the shaft at the last minute thanks to technical difficulties. Hooray. [I will resurrect it at some later date when the problems are ironed out. You will like it, I promise.]Then I actually had to leave town and attend the FanFest/E3 for a while. Both of which were really entertaining experiences, by the way. The Fanfest in particular was especially gratifying. I remember it only in flashes because my mind was in 6 places at once while it was going on, but they are quite pleasant flashes. It was a real treat to see a crowd of fans cheering and laughing as they played Halo. As a rule (albeit a rule we are trying to change) the FanFests lose money, and this one was no exception, but it was worth it to me to see so many people having fun. Now we just have to figure out how to top it at the next FanFest.
So there you have it. Yes, Virginia, Halo WILL still come to the Mac and the PC according to People Who Should Know These Kind of Things, and apparently there is at least one little surprise in store for us even before the Xbox hits the Christmas shopping shelves like a metric ton of gold-plated mistletoe sprinkled with crack cocaine. Goody.