UBB-style (like BGH)
55% (82 votes)
WebBBS-style (like HBO)
45% (68 votes)
Total votes: 150


narcogen's picture

Incidentally, R.net's forums can actually be set to look more like UBB or like WebBBS, depending on your user preference.

Since we have multiple forums, the first couple of pages-- the base forum page, and one level deeper than that, the topics page, (in this case, for the community forum) look more or less like the ubiquitous UBB-style bulletin boards that have eclipsed the older (and some might say, more classical) threaded look of WebBBS.

However, once you get down to looking at the actual comments in each topic, you have a choice-- if you set your comment view settings to "flat-expanded" you'll get a view that's like the default on UBB; all the posts (up to a certain user-definable limit) on a single page, with no indentation. If you want that same kind of list, but only links to each comment and not the whole text, choose flat-collapsed.

If you prefer to see indented threads, then your choices are threaded-expanded, which shows the body of every comment, but indents them to show threads, or threaded-collapsed, which very much resembles what WebBBS does.

This mode doesn't entirely mimic WebBBS-- it doesn't have the special "mixed threaded" list which brings new posts in old threads onto the front page, and it does not display the thread hierarchy beneatch the comment body. The latter is a feature that we hacked into Drupal for Rampancy v2; we expect to be able to do the same here for v3.

Of course, to get these preferences, you have to login-- Anonymous users get the default, which at the moment is WebBBS-style, threaded-collapsed.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture


narcogen's picture

In reply to: Yup

Well... I honestly can't agree with you there.

HBO being one of the two oldest Halo sites around (we are the other, both started before Bungie was bought by Microsoft, before anybody even knew about Halo) deserves lots of respect for the community and what they've done.

I think, if nothing else, HBO is suffering (a bit) from the curse of success. Halo has become so popular, and they have become pretty much the #1 fansite for the game, that they got a lot of new users to their forums on a regular basis. This forces the regulars and the admins to answer a lot of questions over and over again-- which leads to a bit of noise and arguments. It's nothing to do with HBO itself.

However, here we've got room, so if anyone wants to ask first-timer questions-- or discuss detailed Bungie lore, either one-- it's fine by me.

Anonymous wrote on Sat, 08/30/2003 - 11:54:


Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Yup

The forums are no good. Worst I have EVER seen.

narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Yup


: The forums are no good. Worst I have EVER seen.

Look harder, I've seen worse :)

Having said that-- what don't you like... so we can fix it?

Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture

BGH has been around a LONG time aswell, and was once the #1 fan site (Yes, even bigger then HBO.) and is now #2.

narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re:

: Anonymous:
: BGH has been around a LONG time aswell, and was once the #1
: fan site (Yes, even bigger then HBO.) and is now #2.

I'm really not sure how you make that claim. Claude and I exchanged a few stat pages quite awhile back, but not recently. I'm not aware of anyplace the various Halo webmasters have exchanged site statistics... although perhaps something like that could be done.

However, even so, then you'd have to agree on a metric. What's "biggest" mean? Highest number of registered users? Of active registered users? Forum posts per day? Page views per day? Impressions per day?

Not that it's important.

And yes, BGH has been around quite a long time, in the grand scheme of things-- a little more then 3.5 years, by my count, while many other sites have come and gone; and BGH has a vibrant and active forum community.

I think HBO and R.net have special places in my mind, not only because of my own personal involvement, but because the roots of both go back before Halo was announced...

Rampant for over se7en years.