I just picked up my Limited Edition. Well, let me correct that; I picked a Frankensteinian blend of the Limited Edition case and bonus disc, plus a substitute game disk from a plastic case. Out of three metal cases opened at the counter, only one had a bonus disc that wasn't scratched... and all had at least some scratching on the game disc, one to the point that it was certainly unreadable right out of the shrink-wrapping. On top of that, I've had the case in my possession for an hour and a quarter now, and it's already more scuffed than my Halo 2 metal case; it's like they didn't laquer the outside to make it scratch resistant. (Still no dents in it, though.)

I think Bungie was very poorly served by the case vendor here, and this may come back and bite them in the butt. Perhaps even to the point of having to make a second pressing of bonus discs to replace damaged copies.

Can't wait to play the game, though, and the Bestiarum is a great little read.

-- Steve now has to crank out a day's worth of production before 3pm if he wants to leave early. *crank, crank, crank*

