Even though there is no officially announced Bungie title in the works at the moment, it's a safe assumption that there will one day be a Bungie title for the Xbox360, or at the very least Bungie titles that run on it. That's the line of logic we've been running with in covering so much about the Xbox 360, and in the absence of more specific information about any Bungie title, info about Microsoft's second gaming console keeps pouring in. Here's some more:
- SPOnG says you might be able to download full games to your Xbox 360 from Xbox Live.
- GamesAreFun says that Microsoft ended up paying royalties to Nvidia in order to let the 360 emulate the older Xbox's GPU. Most users probably won't care, but somehow BDGamer has taken this advice to mean that backwards compatibility is not going to work, although they said it less politely than that. YMMV.
- The Toronto Globe and Mail says Microsoft will lose $75 on every Xbox 360 it sells, assuming they sell it for around $300. Thanks Voodoo Extreme. This is nothing new as console hardware is usually a loss leader to sell software.