Just goes to show how far out of control a casual suggestion can be taken. Rampancy HL, which can be found at hl.rampancy.net, will be hosting our first (and possibly last) free for all bootwar, Das Boot, tomorrow night. Special provisions are being made to allow for the controlled chaos, but you can only do so much to control dozens of users with boot privs...
What's the point? Besides the obvious appeal of being able to log in and boot all those people you've always wanted to boot, our resident bot Traxus is going to be keeping score during the one hour melee. When the dust settles, he'll be crunching the results and supplying stats to show who managed to stay on the longest, who dominated the top of the list longest, and probably a few other things. Who knows, we might throw in a t-shirt for the winner...
Rules for the contest will be posted tomorrow around noon, and the actual event will be occuring at this time:
Date: Monday, May 29th
Time: 6pm to 7pm BST/CST
Hope to see you there, and if you think you've got mad boot skillz, this is your chance to prove it. Questions should be directed to the forum, or Ferrex on r.hl.