As part of their Xbox coverage this week, which included reviews of Halo, DoA3, Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee, Cel Damage, NFL Fever 2002, and Project Gotham Racing, TechTV has also posted a short article about the future of broadband gaming on the Xbox, with quotes from J Allard and Seamus Blackley. Blackley in particular made an interesting remark:
We are really focusing on a hard-core online experience around games, stuff you can only do with a gaming community. We're talking about massive multiplayer games with [a] new level every week. We are open to every new idea.
That truly is the kind of idea that, at least in the console world, could most easily be done by the Xbox, because its hard drive and ethernet capabilities are standard, rather than optional. But users will still be restricted to broadband; there is no supported way of using the Xbox with a modem.