Computer and Video Games is reporting today that John and Jane E3-Attendee will be able to get their hands on the X-Box, as well as some of the neater games promised for that platform, come this May.
The call of, Where are the games? was commonplace on the floor of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas today after Bill Gates' keynote speech, but Microsoft reps on the company's stand promised the big guns are hoving into view.E3 in May will be the real coming out party for Xbox, David Hufford, group PR manager for Xbox US told CVG. The machine will certainly be playable and you'll be able to get your hands on lots of the games. As for the franchises, you can definitely expect some serious announcements between now and then.
In addition, the article suggests that Gamestock 2001, Microsoft's annual gaming event, will include some interesting information preparatory to this year's E3. If you skip on over to the E3 Expo site, you'll note that Microsoft has again staked-out a spot in the South Hall (prime real-estate) for itself. The word is that this E3 is going to be a Microsoft-dominated E3. We'll see! Could we see a semiplayable version of Halo by then? One can only hope. (Care to take that one, Matt?)