- Halo Babies now has a Halo 2 clan online. If you want an invite, write to mrsmiley with your gamertag. Editor's Note: There is a Rampancy clan as well; but until my copy of Halo 2 arrives later this week, I can't issue invites; however, if you'd like an invitation sent me a private message through the site.
- GameFAQs has what seems to be a definitive answer on how to unlock Foundation. Warning: potential spoilers!
- Louis Wu at HBO writes to explain some recent small technical problems on the site; basically a combination of infrastructure put in place several years ago and spiraling popularity. Upgrades are forthcoming.
- More collections of Halo 2 links from HBO. (Guides, articles, comics).
Editor's Note: Looks like things are almost down to a nearly-manageable level now, and hopefully we'll soon return to posting items with more detail and starting to collate all the information that's been released. Oh, yeah... and play some Halo 2 ourselves.