We've added a few more minor features to Rampancy today. The first is the Amazon shop, which we've already mentioned. Clicking that link automatically pulls Halo-related items in the computer & videogames categories from Amazon's database, and if you buy an item using one of those links, Rampancy gets a 5% commission. We also plan on using that as a way to select special Rampancy readers to reward somehow in the future... more on that later.
We've also changed a few minor things. Beneath each story now, instead of the old add comment link you'll see a link that just says comment. Instead of comments being linked to all individual stories and pages on the site, this will automatically create a new forum topic in the forum of your choosing. "Community" is the default. This way, comments won't be spread out all over the site, making them easier to find.
Tell a friend links are also attached to each story, and you can use them to send interesting items you see at Rampancy to friends of yours. They'll get an email with the text of your message and a link to that item at Rampancy.
The menu across the top has a few more items. Feedback is a page you can use to anonymously email comments and questions to Rampancy staff, if you don't want to use email or the public forums.
Over in your account box, which you'll see if you're logged in, there should be a new link called remind me which allows you to choose items from the events list and have the system email you in advance to remind you about them-- useful for a tournament that has a registration deadline, for instance.
Well, that's it for now. More as they become available.