Hi. I was wondering how many people have read the "leaked" Halo 3 storyline? I read it about two months ago, and I thought it was pretty good. I actually believed that it was leaked. I thought the ending was pretty good, but, as you all probably know, some of the level/chapter names were corny. I mean really, A Pimp At Sea?!? They couldn't come up with anything better than THAT!!! I still think that it is either leaked, or some Halo fan had WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to much time on his/her hands. Or they know the Halo storyline WAY to well... Anyway my hands are cold and i keep messing up my typing, so 'til next time, my faithful readers!


Johny117's picture

How was the Halo 3 storyline leaked? Are you sure you read it two months ago? It was probably just some freaks that are trying to predict what happens in Halo 3. And what's wrong with the name "Pimps At Sea"?

If some of you don't know this before (it says so in the book, "Halo: Creating a Virtual World"), Halo: Combat Evolved, was originally called "Monkey Nuts." Yes it is true.

I myself know the Halo storyline way to well, but even I don't think I could predict what's goin' on in Halo 3.

Really, if you see anyone who thinks they know the Halo 3 storyline, don't believe those idiots. We'll know what happens in Halo 3 when we all play it in a year. :)

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Spartan 001's picture

In reply to: Halo 3 Leaked?

That is very true.