OK, for starters any sheet music that I will be posting from now on will only be in mus. This blog will show you how to get the program to open these files.
You will need the program Finale Notepad 2009.

Don't have Finale Notepad 2009? Download it for free by following these steps:

First of all, if you have not registered for an account on rampancy and VERIFIED it... then don't even continue reading this until you do.

Step 1: Create an account at finale.com. The account is free. Use this link to begin signing up:


Step 2: Once you have finished signing up, you can download the demo version of Finale Notepad 2009. The demo gives you all of its features for 1 month (30 days) for free. Use this link to download the demo:

(Note: this link is for people with Windows) if you have Macintosh, then use this link:


The installer should appear on your desktop. Now that you have Finale Notepad enjoy your music! If you are still having problems with the file please leave me a message or a comment

I will post a link to this blog every time I submit sheet music in the future. If you are still having problems opening the file, then please send me a message or a leave a comment on the transcription page.